Developing Resilience And Keeping Your Heart Open
3.-5. March 2023
3-day-seminar in the heart of Prague (held in English language), with RIA VERLINDEN (, a trainer, coach and supervisor in systemic work, traditional wisdom and rituals), Petra van den Dragt and Wendy van Nunen. Through sharing teachings from the Mother Continent and the wisdom of South Africa you will be guided to connect with your roots as a mean to set boundaries.
Friday 2-9pm, Saturday 9;30am-6pm, Sunday 9.30am-5pm
Contact person: Ria Verlinden, or Alena Srbova
Registration form & further information will be send upon receipt of your initial interest via email
Price: EUR 395/495
Through sharing teachings from the Mother Continent and the wisdom of South Africa you will be guided to connect with your roots as a mean to set boundaries. Ria Verlinden is a trainer, coach and supervisor in systemic work, traditional wisdom and rituals. She is a citizen of the world and through her many years of international work, she has developed into a colorful woman. Ria has a strong connection with Africa – the Mother Continent. For more than 30 years, she guides woman and men in their personal and professional growth. Today, as an Elder, she facilitates transition: from knowledge to wisdom, from knowing to being. From being nice to be clear, warm and strong. Taking up leadership versus being controlling is a strong journey for all of us… and to herself.